Single Maturity-Fixed Rate Certificate of Deposit
Your Certificate earns interest at the rate set by the Bank at the time of deposit. You will be paid this rate until your Certificate matures. This account will not renew automatically at maturity. You have a ten (10) calendar day grace period after maturity to renew or add to your Certificate without loss of interest. If you choose to withdraw your Certificate, no interest is paid after maturity.

Automatic Renewable Certificate of Deposits
Your Certificate earns interest at the rate set by the bank at the time of deposit. You will be paid this rate until your Certificate matures. Your Certificate will automatically renew at maturity. Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change at maturity. The interest rate and annual percentage yield shall be the rate the Bank is offering at the time your Certificate matures on new certificates of the same term and amount.
The Bank retains the right to redeem your Certificate at any original or subsequent maturity date upon ten (10) calendar days prior written notice. You will have ten (10) calendar days after the original maturity and each subsequent maturity to withdraw your Certificate without penalty. You may add to your Certificate during the ten (10) day grace period without loss of interest on the original Certificate. If you choose to withdraw your Certificate, no interest is paid after maturity.

Variable Rate Certificate of Deposits
Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. The interest rate as shown on your certificate is indexed to the average discount rate for the twenty-six (26) week U.S. Treasury Bills determined by the weekly auction. Your interest rate is adjusted each week on the first business day following the auction. These certificates are available with a maturity of twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) months. This account will not renew automatically at maturity. No interest will be paid after maturity.